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'Mist 2 in Schellingwoudenbrug', 2013, acryl on Khadi Paper, 29,5cm x 21cm, Helena Kaori Maeda

I can think in many ways to direct my focus. It likes a kind of recept, 100g ideas, 300g intuition, 150g plans, 200g dreams, 250g expression, 300g determination, 300g persistence, 200g exposition. The ingredients proportion can be a bit alterated. Mix it all gently, and focus. To what precisely I keep on doubting... first: intuition, than dreams, ideas, expression, plans, work, determination, persistence, exposition?

Specifically: lines, colors, forms, figures, sometimes spontaneous, and other moments conscious chosen.

But than my mind keeps me on asking: what for? why? express myself, work, to be, to develop, to organize thoughts and feelings. Ok. Then, it comes my next questions: have I got enough to tell, to show, to express, to make a work of it?

I can pull continuously ???

My vicious circle loops me to a knot, and I come out after repeating my questionary to the same point: "focus".

It will be always doubts, but beter I keep on going forward, no matter what comes next. A fall or a developing line.

Sometimes I wish to see myself from outside, then maybe I would know where I am in this creative labyrinth process.

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