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Before I used to go everywhere with my easy carrying drawing materials. When I saw something that got my attention I was ready to stop for short while and quickly did register it. Funny that mostly I was happy with the result.

Since my daughter is born I made several sketches for panels and sculptures, but it is accumulating on paper. I wish to make then all. But, costs, time, skills and materials are blocking me too long.

I decide to paint, draw, again, because it costs less efforts.

But my will tends to go to the panels, sculptures.

To bridge bi-dimensional to tridimensional.

To bring life outside the paper.

The ingredients I wish to add are long... to combine all of them plus to free myself from my initial ideas, sketches, are challenging me.

Main problem I face now is how to mix ideas and feelings, spontaneity without missing my initial start.

The paintings and drawings made recently are thought, that annoys me.

I need to find the balance from my ideas and the process of happening, to let the spontaneous lines drive me again.

'Nap', 1990, gouache on paper, 45cm x 62,5cm, Helena Kaori Maeda

Sometimes dreams and ideas are confronting.

The danger is to force it happens or to stay long still.

I hesitate, I study the possibilities, I think too much.

Stop being prisoner from my own ideas is my decision.

But I need to pass through this brain storm.

I am slow by preparing my mind and spirit... but mostly, when I start a project it happens like domino effect, it flows naturally.

This process will show my direction.

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