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Sea Nails, 2013, digital photography, Helena Kaori Maeda

Definitions are supposed to help understand thoughts, ideas. Words are instruments. Descriptions of feelings, ideas, through music, book, poem, design, dance, sometimes have more clear intentions then visual art.

Respected art curators, galleries, museums expose some contemporary art expressed by shocking images, blood, violence, sadomasochism, rearranged garbage, horror, that causes: "uau" effect followed by ...!???? like reading a sensationalist criminal journal page or listening screams, histery.

But I don't really get the idea, it feels emptiness, waist of time, bla bla bla art.

It remembers me that fairy tail story about "The Emperor's New Clothes", everyone surprised to see the emperor walking in his special new clothes, made from an unique invisible fabric, proposed by a good talker, clothes maker, full of words.

Are these art professional curators such a good talkers?

What is the point of some horrible violent images?

Is it made for our repressed aggression to be revoked?

To manifest or criticize oppression, sickness, aversion?

Did I miss something ?

But what if like so many trash or cult, bloody, crime movies plant absurd ideas in people's mind, since child, in the same way that princess films, stories, plant unnatural wish to aim unlogical way of being, is that creativity?

Maybe weapons, drugs, medicine pharmacy, bankers, animal trade, are manipulating us all, direct or indirectly. Including many art professionals and film makers. To gain power over us through fears... investing to keep us ignorant and passive. To feed more hate, calling more wars, selling more weapons, to make us sick with poisoning unnecessary E numbers additions in food, than we blindly consume more drugs, medicine, ending decadent and superstitious to buy rhinos and elephants horns for nonsense reasons. Money, money, more money... sad.

I am curious how, later, our present history, consumerist mentality, politic, culture, art, are going to be interpreted.

Maybe this kind of free terror based art, reflects our history at the moment.

Violence, destruction, war, crimes, sick bloody american movies expressed in contemporary art?

If that is the point or not, I am tired of exaggerated cruel images worshiped in art, (art?).

Marginality can inspire innovative ideas, but art should provoke something more than repetitive harshness, to express other sentiments, to be able to bring constructive reflexions, to add something visual that causes: "uau" effect followed by ....!?!!! like reading a poem, haiku, or listening music.

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