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When I start this website my intention was to collect some of my art and to present it.

The blog came together with this template, initially I did not know exactly what I could write about. But it seems to work as a sort of free channel option, where I may expose some of my thoughts and feelings, and to share it to who would like to read it.

I really don't know if it reaches someone, or how it reaches.

It is a strange feeling, because normally I do write for myself, in Portuguese, in my own notice book, for many years. My English writing is not the best, but since this year I do write openly to anyone...

It was a strange, sad, last weekend... because I don't read daily my mails, four days later, Sunday, I got the news, a dear friend, who I do not see often, but she was an important person in my life, she lives in a soft pillow in my heart, like a dear beloved family, who gave me a hand when I need, who spreads only friendliness.

She was Jenny Wesly, wise, sensitive, intelligent, creative, warmhearted, kind giving nature.

This year, in June, dearest Gineke de Rooij, wise, creative, intelligent, warmhearted, alternative thinker, free soul, helpful to everyone.

Just before, in February, Chup our beloved, most lovely, rabbit.

Passed away.

It was christmas dinner at my workplace, dear colleagues happy, dizzy from the many drinks, I was not there, but I heard, later a super friendly colleague was too much drunk, got angry, police caught him and also someone who was just trying to calm him down, outside... Police was unfriendly, it was a mess, wrong end from a well intended beginning of the evening.

It seems that nobody was strong or clear enough, neither the managers, to prevent such an end.

What could be prevented... just call a taxi and send him home, was not done.

When happy drinkers become inconvenient, alarm bells should ring and call managers to react direct, because who is already drunk cannot anymore be expected to be reasonable.

Prevention beter than cleaning the mess.

Yes, beter less drink...

Both are friendly colleagues. To repair now the damage will cost lots of more damages. One is fired, the other is busy to process the policeman who mistreated him.

Our neighbors tell, in this same weekend, they would like to rebuild their house, they have their justified reasons, but that means to us, "shadow", literally, our short vitamin D even less in the winter, precious, loved sunshine gone... we cannot deal yet with this idea...

Terror attack in Berlin.

What a time... Trump, international climate issues, recent news are not much happy.

When dear ones, end of life, end happy laughs with friendly colleagues, tragic manifests shouting for attention, collective issues growing out of hand, "shadow", it is time to be still, think and feel for a moment, what really matters.

What this all has to do in common: some has lots of love to give, some has lack of love.

Today, the official winter start, the darkest day.

It is time to be friendlier, to each other more than ever. To suspend for a while our reasons, fears, believes, before barking to someone. Stop judging only from one point of view, to spread the range of the colors, respect the variety of living around. Hear what the angry one has to tell, listen what they want to cry, search for beter communication, that is the peaceful prevention. Who has more love to give must be stronger, to bend first, to take the initiative for calling peace, to act. All of us who has loved ones nearby, protected and safe can share more friendliness to others beter than who are lonely, in trouble, afraid.

Be more open, giving like Jenny, Gineke, Chup.

I miss, sad deep in my heart their lively examples, I wish learn to be loving like them.

Homeless in Venice, 1997, analoge photography, Helena Kaori Maeda

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