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Ai, amor, liefde, amour, love, ...

Different languages, same meaning.

Same meaning different gradations.

Like colors have different tonalities, same color darker or lighter.

A friend told me once that he still loves all his ex girl friends, he explained, in his heart there is different places for all of them.

That clear map image of his heart in my mind, hielp me to understand different love feelings.

Love gradations, tonalities of colors.

Sometimes intense, sometimes very calm, and all variations in between.

My japanese origin heritage let me sometimes at loss in expressing my love to people.

I love my daughter more than myself, but sometimes I must take care to love her in the way she would feel loved, instead of loading her with too much attention.

I love myself less than I should, that is why maybe I often been in a internal struggle.

I loved Chup with all my heart, I took care of him, tried to replace myself in him, because he could not speak, he was a rabbit, but I could not help him.

Sometimes I find easier to love animals than people, their language is easier to understand. They express everything in their eyes and behavior. But most of the human adults have learned much more to act instead of being. That makes all confusing. What I see and hear from the same person often does not fit together. Probably because we are not comfortable to say exact what we feel or think, specially in love matters.

Love is the greatest feeling, but still taboo to express openly.

Our different cultures allow us some sort of love to be shown, love for our children, love for our family, love to a close friend, but if not in this contexts, love for a not close friend, or love to someone else, even to an ex, it feels censured to express it, there is not a social category to place it. It should not be, sometimes animals express their affection to someone who they just met without any embarrassment, expectation, or sexual connection.

To learn relationships cost me a huge effort, because of all the codes to be deciphered, so many languages, translations and gradations. Like animals and little children, we could make ourselves easier, just express our affections. But fear to be misunderstood, or to be inconvenient, close us down.

Love should be expressed as much as possible, specially in a time of shortage.

I was so busy being afraid to be not inconvenient, that I have missed to visit my dear dying friend. That is painful... I did not tell her that I love her. I hope she did read it in my eyes, behavior. I have not seen many examples of loving people around, love without any bond, free, without any category.

This year I missed the chance to tell my love to two dear friends before they passed away, three times I lost examples of this kind of love, not dark, neither light, simple, pure.

'Mom & son', 2013, acrylic on paper, 29,5cm x 30cm, Helena Kaori Maeda

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