Technology versus humanity ?
In the 'Pakhuis de Zwijger' the themas from the documentary "Tegenlicht" is presented later in open discussion.
Mostly this documentaries themas shake me awake.
Last Sunday it was about "People, gods and technology".
Brain boss
In this AI generation I ask myself:
Why the most primary schools follow an old fashion, traditional education system?
Technology develops really fast, but instead education develops very slow motion.
Tegenlicht is an educative programma with actual themas that invites everyone to think, it is super interesting, important!
I miss this discussion space at schools!
More discussions everywhere about how we live, instead of complaining.
It seems easier the victim role, in place of to take responsibility for what we do to improve our lives. To think out of the box.
Our capacity of thinking should not be closed to elitaire intellectuals, but could be stimulated from young age.
For all the ages, but specially when children are full of curiosity, school should help to develop their sense of curiosity to be challenged.
Giving children the chance to ask questions, search answers, listen others, discuss, to argue, analyse options, to share their emotions, to find creative solutions for their problems, to think.
Schools could be a place where children have fun at same time they learn, where to play together, to be in action, stimulating interaction and more comprehension. Not via religion, but via understanding that we are together hier and now, to learn that what we do have consequences to each other.
Philosophy at the primary school, instead of in the University or in an elitaire high school, could give children that space, not only to learn some Philosophers ideas.
Creativity stimulation is not only to learn drawing, also to learn how to express emotions and to think creative.
We are so long attached to money hierarchy, elitaire culture, to obey passive to the power of the politicians, banks, pharmacy industry, animals and people handels, drugs, laws, religions, school, without little questioning.
In this passive behavior, almost brainless, is not a surprise a prevision that AI could possibly manage our lives.
We need more open discussions about our way of living together in our planet.
Artificial Inteligence is an enemy if we keep our brains in low level of use, without awareness that the Earth is our common house.
The obvious becomes invisible, why most of people don't see that we are in the same "boat" sailing in the same ocean, planting in the same earth, sharing the same ground with all the nature and animals?
Invisible lines become real, we are divided in boarders, but if a nuclear catastrophe happens somewhere inside an imaginary field, it is anyway going to affect everyone!
But in a time where we keep on growing like chicken in a full cage, how can we live in balance with each other, the nature and other animals?
This is a situation that needs all long to be considered and not continuously to be blindly feed or to stick band Aid's where it bleeds!
Bureaucracy, specializations in different areas of study sometimes are in contradiction with knowledge. They can create more obstacles than facilitate.
The total view of the patient or of the planet healthy tell more about where weakness is, and what solutions could be applied, than to concentrate in detail and temporary medications or solutions.
Technology is useful when we know "how" to use it and "what" for, otherwise can work against ourself. Nuclear energy, AI...
School follows still at least 100 years old education system, study divided in different compartments, languages, mathematic, science, history, geography, independently, but all this studies are connected! why not to learn to comprehend the total image?
Perhaps Philosophy could help people to be sharp and conscious of the choices we have, and more prepared to be not easily manipulated, to be able to influence the directions of technology and of the politic.
Maybe it creates a beter prepared generation to an Artificial Intelligence?