Circular economy, lately I hear often this word, to use recycled materials, long-lasting design.
Less devastation of the nature? I hope.
The need of circular economy is urgent, everyone at home can contribute making better choices, avoiding wrong banks, food products, energie companies, telefoons, recycling our garbage, not waisting food/ materials.
For many products and services it is easy to search and compare which is human, nature and animal friendlier.
For example not give money to "war" wapens investing banks, or choose for "green" energy, choose for company that not invest in kern energy.
Researche before to vote in our politics who has got "long term plans", invest in education, not vote in impulsive, angry, politics who in a tantrum moment can call a nuclear war.
It is time to reformulate a limit for "never ending profit thinking", greedy companies which without much respect explore human, animal and nature.
Also to find out a good way to limit overpopulation.
But people have inertia to start moving into another direction... are afraid of changes, different cultures. Defending own traditions, territorium, is maybe instinct, but to communicate, discuss solutions, to learn each other better before judging, can bring creative solutions, turn to a better direction than angriness, xenofobie, wars.
My consciousness of how we can be responsible for a change grow slowly, but anytime we chose better what we consume, how we interact, with each other and nature, make it a difference! 1+1+1+...= 1.000.000...
Everyone is responsible for how we treat people, our planet, and how we leave it for our children, coming generations.
We can do it in a more graceful, playful, respectful, positive ways.
Just leave egotrips away, any cost ambitious profits out of the plan, think together more global, be friendlier.