Over 2 years is 2020!
In 1982, Riddley Scott film Blade Runner predicted in 2019, robot's, dna technology ethic problems, real timing!
Where are we going? which direction?
We need review our perspectives for the other generations. Save the remaining wild nature and other animals or continue destroying all, for few to scape to Mars...
Not long ago, mad people were hunting witches, still some
priesters misuse children, in the name of religion man murder their women and daughters, start wars. What a craziness...
When are people stoping pointing each other guilty, mistreat or murder.
Respect to all beings does not depend on religion, nationality, hierarchy, but on education, reflection, consciousness.
Nowadays, few artists, few sporters, politics, few software engineers, few bankiers, few greedy capitalist, are well paid and most of other jobs are less and less paid.
Art as investment for the future, from some dead artists, millions for a painting, crazy...
Can we see behind the money power? what make the difference of all the jobs? the status?
Money was invented once to help trade, but we are too long its slaves, I hope money stop dictating values, and work are valued more equal.
How to deal now with our situation, so many refugees, people from poor, corrupt countries would like to move to bigger cities hoping for better life. We cannot think any longer in closed borders, we need to rethink all together as a planet.
This transition could bring more peace, if we are less egoist, less greedy, share knowledge to improve life quality in all places, develop an education system, make a responsable compromise with our planet, and a plan for general birth control.
But we need to be more involved with each other, stop denying responsibility, more open discussions, respect each other, our planet with all the left nature and other animals, consume aware and recycle, deny corrupt and wrong business, just don't buy it.
Easy to say, but from individual initiatives we can start a change.