Animal world, animal word, has got an indirect stigma of inferior category.
Why? We are animal as well!
My ex mother in law was used to see cows in the field as juicy meat, or good beef...
We do not have any more human predators.
It is easy to ignore what is to be chased, killed or enslaved in cruel conditions for to be eaten, when we are not in this situation.
When we see pictures of an animal mother's love with their cub, we get easily smelted with a smile.
But next dinner, ... we eat emotionless, separated baby cow from his/her mother, cruel life, suffered animal meat, or eat a sweet cookie made with palm oil, at the expense of dead orangutans, lots of orphan orangutans.
How can we be so cold? or indifferent?
Very slowly we get to know better how bad animal life conditions are, before they appear in plastic packets in the supermarkets.
To hunt for to eat is far much more respectable.
Information is the way to "wake up" of our cruel "killing" ignorance, co-murders job.
News and discussions of how we do treat animals are sometimes taken seriously, but for the majority and most government it seems to be an unimportant issue... because they are "animals"... (?)
They are made from the same dna we do have, they are born, have caring parents, family, eat, drink, sleep and feel as we do, we only cannot understand their emotions, because they don't complain a word. But they do cry if we listen...
Normally we used to consume "animal friendly" labels meat, but since short via a tv documentary, became clear to me that this label means only that this animals live 1 week longer... for the consumer to feel better... I feel worse... like most of us I closed my eyes, preferred for long time to not know what really happens, but more discussions on tv and with friends, it help us to remind that is all wrong.
Cows mothers separated from their little ones to can give more milk for us...
Why there is not more protests against animal cruelty? because it is easier to consume such a meat with closed eyes? we are cowards, complainers doing little effort to change... or it is 'Time' for to make a positive effort, to open our eyes, ears and mind, be aware of our consume choices.
Official slavery is not allowed, but sadly still exist, hidden women and children slavery.
For the animals, even worth, officially allowed slavery, cruel form of animal production for human consume, or their murdering when they are in the way of blind winst business.
The same story keeps on repeating... women right considered under men, children's right under men and women, animal right under us humans.
We live in the 21 century as animal torturer worth than medieval age torturers, animals are treated and used as feelingless object.
In this century, women, children and animals are not yet equally respected.
When are most of humans going to see how cruel to animals we are?
Finally it is officially forbidden for some countries the use of animals in the circus.
But still many Zoo's adopt cruelty to acquire and maintain animals.
The tourism is gone too far, to the point of stimulating cruel imprisonment, wild animals slavery for entertainment, for to carry tourists, to get paid for it's sadness.
Petshop's and animals breeders handling are mostly heartless.
Cruel fishing methodes.
Noise ships, boats, pollution into the sea.
Animal for laboratory research, for to improve our life control, until which degree? next human clones for it?
Medicaments made from wild animal parts, without any evidence of cure, allowed for commerce trade. It is crazy how much men value their own life destroying others. People would like to live at any expense... would be more respectable instead, to recognize sometimes, when it is time to die with dignity, no matter how difficult it is to accept it.
More than 20 years ago, I have once read that animal trade mafia was the second richest of the world. How is it now? worse? many species are disappeared, almost in extinction... less wild nature areas left, preserved and respected.
When is this going to stop?
When we consumers stop paying and using cruel animal trade products!
Hopefully before they disappear... and only genetic manipulated animals exist.
We can eat less meat, once or twice a week, there are many other protein based food.
And if you buy, choose aware a better butcher, perhaps a local one where you can self check it.
But, we need more information where the meat comes from, how their life conditions are.
Do not buy anything with palm oil! many products, from shampoo, make up to cookies are made with palm oil, check it before buying.
We can buy products with other types of oil or fat, but since I stopped to buy palm oil products, I noticed there are few products left. So many companies use it! which one is more responsible and payable? it is a search.
Palm oil companies pay $100 dollars for locals to kill orangutans... too sad... We don't know enough about animal cruelly treated for to expand plantations areas, for to make products available in any supermarket... Many companies are horror criminals!
Avoid Nestle many products, from food, bottle water to make up, the list of crimes is very long... search it online.
It is time to be more responsible for what we consume!
Choose better to which company you give your money.
Use more natural medicament, from grandmothers recept.
Recycle garbage.
Throw away plastic, garbage, in the garbage bin! nowadays plastic particles are everywhere to find, in the dead fishes to all animals stomachs, inclusieve in ours!
Everything comes from nature, be an aware consumer. That makes all the difference!
As consumers, it is in our power to change directions of how things are.
Since online info search is possible, we are learning to find out more about what plays "behind the scenes". Not always findable... for the business our ignorance is convenient.
I dream... deeply I hope, money power trip capitalism mentality, endless consumerism publicity, is going to end themselves, by indirectly forcing us to find new solutions, something respectable coming in place... another mentality towards life.
In this stage, other animals have got more dignity than humans, they hunt when they are hungry, in a quick chase and deadly bite, instead of killing after being keept badly alive, or killing for arrogance, for evil sport trophies, hanging bad taste, dead head animals on the wall.
How would be your own head decorated in some living space?
All kind of animals need to be respected, insects, sea life, in their few left natural environment.
Animal life, nature are not human propriety.
The planet does not exist only for modern human use, growth and consume.
Do not try constantly to control and to fight against nature.
Let the bees fly free, do not poison unwished wild plants in the garden...
What nonsense is country borders for nuclear power plants, if we destroy all, we destroy ourselves the same.
We humans are already too many in population... time to restringe our growth, to share the planet with other lives than humans, to be not so greedy, individualist and self centered, time to see global, to think together, to leave a better Earth for our children, for other lifes.
We are neighbors from the last small groups of indians, nomads, tribes and wild animals.
We better respect, appreciate their beauty, their lives, learn from them to live in harmony with nature.
We depend on a balanced ecosystem to can exist.
Let us practice life respect.