Live ADM!

ADMers struggle to stay where they live almost 21 years in the West Amsterdam Haven.
The few years I have lived there, until 2002, has changed to me how art is experienced, shared, valued, inspired, exchanged, celebrated and discussed... became much wider.
Then a new window was open to me. And now they wish to close it for the new generations.
Despite all the different minds, there it is possible to coexist quite well.
Even if I felt a fish out of water there, my earlier ADM neighbors feel still sort of family, maybe because we all feel E.T.'s in this "well ruled", bureaucratic system working against humanity, and we shared a neutral ground, where to be different is the norm. Where the freedom is a source for creativity.
I was optimist and hopeful when the first Amsterdam woman mayor became Femke Haselma, but she could show more respect and empathy to ADMers and unique creative squatting places like ADM. What a shame... just "kick" people out a day after the Christmas, in the middle of the winter, coldly, without anywhere to go for the living 8 boats. "Allowing" more than 100 people to live temporary for 2 years in a limited small dump mud ground sewage polluted terrein... with "minimum" sanitarian, water and electricity... Ignoring the letter of The Human Rights Committee of the UN for violation of the human rights. "Groen Links" (Green Left-wing politics) is disappointing... it is more like "Grey Right-wing"... hard, commercial, insensitive, a-social, short term vision, not cultural pro politics. Even the politics treatment from Pvda, were more human with previous, passed away, Amsterdam mayor Eberhard van der Laan.
There is a lot of children born and living there, lots of good people, artists, inventors, alternative thinkers, people who cannot live elsewhere.
Without official adres many ADMers are homeless... in such exceptional places, there is the constructive possibility for imagination to let go far ahead, to create new perspectives. For to develop what rational mind cannot see yet.
It is sad and hard to believe that all what means alternative or subculture is slowly disappearing, being suppressed, specially in a well known open minded country... is it still so?
Some years ago existed also quite some "youth centre's" in each neighborhood, now I don't know one nearby... why places where creativity and social relationship can be developed and stimulated are being closed? Are we walking backwards???
Youth, creative minds from all ages, loss from the imposing uniformity of the greedy, money, power dictators can still have a place to be?
The government chose to replace the creative community for to let commercial exploitation in the hands of criminal mafioso property to take over of the historical ADM haven...
Our daughter is born in ADM. I wish her an open window as well!
ADM means creativity!
Let live ADM!
Hier below the Human Rights Committee letter:
The Human Rights Committee of the UN did send a second interim measure to the Dutch authorities on December 28th. 2018 (after Amsterdam City Board said that they were going to ignore the 1st. one)
This is what our lawyer (Electra Leda Koutra) said about it all:
"I have just received a new communication by the UN's Human Rights Committee, in the ADM Amsterdam case, as was of course expected, after Amsterdam Municipality's cynical "pre-announcement" of the upcoming violation of the HRC's interim measure, and its circular stating that it abides with international Law:
"Dear Madam, The Section would like to acknowledge receipt of the additional information you provided which has been shared with the Human Rights Committee. On that basis, the request for interim measures sent on 26 December has just been reiterated. In a correspondence sent a while ago, the Committee is requesting the authorities of the Netherlands to provide it with clarification about the compatibility of the planned evacuation to the sludge fields, at this time of the year, with international standards, addressing in particular concerns raised about soil contamination, lack of adequate heating, the existing capacity of the sanitary infrastructure, the impossibility for those currently living on boats to move them to the new site and the safeguards afforded to unregistered residents. The Committee gave 2 months to the State party to submit this clarification. In the meantime, the State party was again requested not to evict the authors to the sludge fields or to anyplace else in which conditions fall short of international standards, especially with respect to vulnerable individuals.
Best regards,
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights"
Now that The Netherlands becomes a champion by receiving TWO interim measures in 2 days, we would like to ask Ms. Halsema and the members of the Municipal Council who decided to insult the HRC, how it feels like to expose The Netherlands internationally as a regional government that grossly defies human rights...