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Spring is coming earlier... February was much warmer then normal.

Well, good or not, the climate is clearly changing...

Birds started making their nests. In our garden, lucky us, a couple of blue tit birds are accommodating in our bird house for the first time.

Green ringneck birds, normally seen in the tropical areas, are hier living wild even in the winter, lately they come in the high blue-green pine tree from the neighbor, I hear them enamored chanting to each other love songs. Wish to record it one day, it is now engraved in one of my warm memories... it is moving pure heart-whole sound.

In our messy/a bit wild small garden, sadly shadowed last year by our neighbor cemente extention, we are being closed in yuppy grey hard boxes walls, even with less sunshine, I have seen already this year, couple of black birds, singing so lovely, robin birds, black and blue crested tit birds, ringneck birds, tick bird, starling group of birds, doves, magpies alerting our rabbit ears, house sparrows, delicate warbler bird, and last year, jay bird, hedgehogs, moles, wild mouses, green- brown frogs, black newts, coming to pick some worms on the ground, on the bushes, on the trees. A beloved secret little happy wildness.

White Snowdrop flowers blossom is already over, our yellow Kerria Japonica flowers are coming, pear tree flower buds are growing, narcissus flower blossom shinning, baby green leaves are appearing in the Sad trees nearby.

Which colors are going to be mixed, in a garden, home, public places, art around, in the politics, in the nature, greatly depend on us... literally.

Could we not leave more nature spaces and their ecosystems to live for itself?

Why every ground even the North Pool are being exploited for human resources? ending animal habitats, nature events to take place?

Stop human destructive egocentrism!

Why everything must be fore the human sake? so much human population grow, so much inequality in between humans and nature and animals?

Why we let treat so badly animals, separate mother cow from their calf, pigs so intelligent animals being treated so cruel, to buy them cheap, eat them without any remorse...

We do not need so much floor tiles everywhere, poisons against weeds, mouses, ants, our vegetables. We can eat less meat, stop buying anything from wild animal trades causing their extinction, too sad... throw garbage in a bin or wait until you find one, or put it in your bag until home... plastic is flying everywhere, in the bellies of whales, birds... do not buy fleece fabric clothes...or so much clothes...We need to change this decadent mentality, style of living. Less consume, more recycle!

Lets cooperate, respect, share well this planet, we are not the only life being, we depend on each other!

Our children, next generations could perhaps appreciate more than us the colors left around... instead of searching ways to colonize a red planet after total destruction of this blue one? when does this greediness stop? why nonsens wars... are we our own predators? what are the priorities? to be an selfish rich individualist is a contradiction, it is self destruction.

Let's use wisdom and awareness combined with knowledge and technology!

Appreciate, respect and be grateful to our varied natural colorful world!

Bloem (Flower), 2018, Kinetic sculpture, textile, steel, engine, 650cm x 370cm x 370cm. Frank & Kaori

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