Today official work day, official birthday from a friend, outside is clouded, green leaves almost full shaping the trees, birds chirping, daughter sleeping.
I am imprisoned in this online screen, with soothing changing background holiday photo's from years ago, trying to find out more about Instagram.
Finally after have decided not to have social media, I start to realize how it can help for our artworks to get more "visibility". I don't want to be slave of any device, to sacrifice my data to nonsense publicity, but it can rapid connect people who perhaps search for kinetic sculptures, wall sculptures, artwork.
Yesterday and today I started my Helena Kaori Maeda (@helenakaorimaeda) Instagram or
Now with 22 photo's, had better start it when people asked me in our duo kinetic sculptures exhibition last November in 2018, in the NDSM Fuse. It would get more like's after more than 2000 visitors in the 4 days open each of the 3 weeks. It was wonderful well visited!
We still get via friends, people's Instagram were our kinetic sculpture Coexistence photo is placed lots of like's, and compliments more than expected, it is fine to get so much positive feedback and had watched people's interaction with Coexistence.
This title is so perfect!
Next step is to sell artworks, to make space in our atelier for new work.
Maybe Instagram connect us to the world...