I am re-reading the book from Willem de Ridder, "Handboek Spiegelogie", about reflection, intuition, rationality, the power of a wish ...
My focus is amazing powerful, when I decide something, it happens, but doubts troubles me.
To wish the right wish, how to live, work, and be good to myself, family, friends and planet...
The art of to be alive in the Universum which we are all connected.
Funny is as a child I knew it already, but, after being conditioned so long at school, home, to learn many contradictory rules; doubts of what intuition tells and what we learned turn us suspicious and consequentely afraid to respect, trust and to support each other.
This book challenge us to act as one.
From my heart, I wish,
Respectful relationship between human, nature, animals.
The Earth ecosystem is in balance.
Openess in between all the different cultures, learning from each other positive side.
Gratitude, warm, respectful, mutual and reciprocate love for everyone.
Wish happy birthday to Ronald and all life!