Theme: NDSM in 2030
12 September-22 November 2020, Friday-Sunday, 12.00-18.00 hrs.
NDSM-Plein 85, 1033 WC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
www.ndsm-fuse.eu @ndsmfuse

Press release:
‘Yes Future, We Want Butter By The Fish!’
Participating artists and organisations: Esther Kin, Beta Architecten, Pascal Ontijd, Monique Jansen, Wilbert Verhaak, Sarah Payton, Helena Kaori Maeda, Balthasar Prinsen, Marc Koolen, St. NDSM werf, Sponge Architecten, Sociëteit Sexyland, Michiel Voet, Vereniging de Toekomst, Jeroen Bisscheroux, Robert Admiraal, Ellen Klijzing, Pieter Post, Rinzo.
The NDSM area is, and has been since the establishment of artists in the north of Amsterdam, strongly future-oriented. That is a healthy attitudeas systems that focus on the past tend to get stuck in their own presentThe future of the NDSM-Wharf has been rather uncertain in recent years.
The art community has experienced quite a lot of not-so-positive encounters with the so-called Big Money companies. Though this certainly helped the community to grow and was in itself a sort of coming of age experience,it also caused permanent suspicion and distrust, which appears an ineradicableweed, towards just about everything that reeks of money and public development. Ultimately the most important objectiveof the community was achieved: the acquisition of the warehouse, so that artists can also be assured of a good and affordable workplace now and in the future.Incidentally, according to municipal insights, the artist community of the NDSM wharfitself has completely failed. But that asideAnd nowthe area outside our reserve is catching up with time: high-rise buildings, mega-supermarkets, top-location. Top Prices, Top View, and probablyTop Residents as well. Who will, no doubt, be greeted with TopSuspicion.NDSM-EXPO VIII, NDSM in 2030, focuses on plans and visions of how the future of the NDSM Wharf could be, how it will and/or should be, and how the residents of the NDSM dream and practice their artistic and designer skills towards their premises. As this show makes apparent the artists, architects and designers seem to be the only consistent factor in a grand game of rotating directors, politicians, and decision makers. The visions and plans of the former are therefore way more consistent, forward-thinking, future-proof and maybe even more valid than those of the latter group for whom limited time and political interests will always be important factors.See for yourself what the NDSM could be and will be at NDSM-FUSE.NDSM-Fuse
-The most underground place above ground"
Official opening: 11 September 17.00 uOpening speech: Michiel Voet (artist), Rombout Oomen (curator), Rob Post (landlord)