Why people think they may hunt wild animals for the hobby? not for to eat... there are horror fishermans, who fish with a huge net all the sea ground empty, even sea life they would not sell or consume... Why to destroy easily nature, and life around, to poison the soil in the garden, to kill wild plants, ants, bees, spiders, to damage the water onder... it is insane!
Why people think so superficial? because we are ignorants of all the destructive process behind the scene of each of our consumption products... it is unclear where it comes from, how it is made, through who??.... The farmaceutic "legalized mafia" industry, take deliberated advantadge in our thickness! Shell did poison consciously the soil in Niger Delta with years of oil leaks... finally they lost the case! it is huge victory, when such a multi company is caught... but unaware, people poison the soil with pesticides for the agriculture... "money" , "appearance" is the final award... for to repeat this unhealthy consumption vicious system...
Why we are still priosioners of this unhealthy money/power system?
Why so many divisions, in religions, politics, genders, colors, beliefs?
Why so many stupid muders/crimes/horror/bloody films? for to enrich the weapons huge mafia industry? to trow people against each other?
When this all stops?
Maybe Antropocentrisme is a natural phase of self destruction? entropy? and at the same time self protection of the Earth against ourselfs, as a consequence of human abuse of the nature, cruel, bad hygien conditions of life for captive animals, human self spread a virus pandemy... Can we turn the direction to find balance and harmony in this planet? Yes we can, but depend on each of us. 1 + 1 + 1000000000= lots of people, who can make a change only with more awareness!

"Net Free", 2020, stop plastic pollution!