Green - New Website!
Baby green leaves are spreading smiles around, nature artwork in water drops, colored flowers images, varied trees, leaves shapes, plants, seads, birds nesting.
my new website (see link above please). The shop page is not ready yet, blog, more painting and drawing view are coming soon!
New containers vitrines by NDSM Fuse with plenty of art, design, photography will be open from 28 May.
Vaccination should be available for everyone who need and want... it shoul be an open patent!
Tim Hofman with the documentary "Pak de Macht" super! speaks for us to encourage awareness of where the power is hidden, where our taxes go to corrupted politicians,

that our king protects bad company as Shell, limitations of our rights, finally that such issues are open sproken on TV. To ensure our rights.
Nature hopefuly is soon protected via awareness and international Ecocide law!
Enough is enough of destructions, time to be green, to start a new season with Hope.