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How long men abuse women, children, each other, animals, nature?

Who are we?

There is often a reason or a mental ilness, but when we notice that something is wrong, we are conditioned to be one sided.

We better consider all aspects involved, try to listen, reflect what is happening?

It became too common to complain, easy to point, to prejudice, to accuse, to judge, to condemn.

More than focus on who is guilty and punishment, better to discuss and focus on prevention.

Alcohol, drugs, addictions, aggression are often scape ways from other problems.

Apathy is the worst...

Something is deeper out of balance in our human life.

It is time to think less linear and more circular.

Everything is connected with each other, the effect of one has consequences to another.

We are part of the nature, but men place themselves central. So long men credit themselves superior, in specific human race, gender, status, possessions, hierarchy, religions or believes, we separate ourselves automaticaly from everything around, that lead us towards hate, wars, destruction.

Technical development is only valuable when there is mental/ emotional/ physical development.

Since young age, at school Philosophy, should be more relevant to be learned, how, to listen, to argument, to discuss, to analyse, to find solutions, to reflect, to find out what is essential, priorities. Discussions help to avoid later abuse, aggression, passivity, apathy, to respect differences, to prevent too much power in the hand of few ignorants, to learn to take responsability. To think in long terms, not only in short advantages.

School should teach more about our environment & interaction. To take children closer to their own environment and to life issues. The process of making all the goods and consequent pollution, human rights abuse, learn about ecocide. To learn what we really consume, alcohol, drugs, medicine, fast food, plastic, etc. The side effects of what seems to be good at first impression, the mechanism of the publicity influence every where. To be aware of our choices.

Somehow other animals know to evaluate better than the most humans when it is time to stop, when to win, when to lose, to target only what is essential, how to live in balance with each other. Why men is still not yet so far? Time to wake up each other!

Earth target mobil, 2019, Kaori



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