Yesterday I watched "Tegenlicht", a very interesting tv VPRO programma, this time was about "retake your Data". I was amazed to recognize...

How long men abuse women, children, each other, animals, nature? Who are we? There is often a reason or a mental ilness, but when we...

Obrigada Ro
Pelos "Abraços de Urso"! Voce que um dia amou e foi amado. Recomece um ciclo positivo!

Helena Kaori Maeda Collaboration Frank Hietbrink 2020, kinetic sculpture, rvs, acrylic, 180cm x 180cm x 180cm From a mobile serie, my...

NDSM-EXPO VIII Theme: NDSM in 2030 12 September-22 November 2020, Friday-Sunday, 12.00-18.00 hrs. NDSM-Plein 85, 1033 WC Amsterdam, The...

Exceptional warm Summer! We enjoy the sun light energy, recharge our batteries. For other hand, remind us, how climate is changing...

The Nature, the Universe is my inspiration. The cyclus of life, where it begins? where is the end? we all are part of this Universe,...

There is positive and negative sides of Corona crisis. In the NDSM Fuse-Expo 7-13 is from June 5 until September an art collective...

Nature art
Every time, nature wonder my eyes, my brain, my senses. In all the seasons, there is so much to discover in it's development, from seed,...

Sound around...
We hear more birds singing, less cars and plains, what fine! The felling of not being rushed. To imagine another directions,...